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Earl of Carlyle (The Rogue Gentlemen Series Book 2) Page 10

  Carlyle spoke of Darlington’s desperate letters begging for another chance to secure Audrey’s hand in marriage. Audrey sat straight up in her chair as the earl grinned and assured her that Darlington would never get within the same county as her again.

  Sara stood after the final round of desserts and toasts of wine, asking Sandshire if he would care to see her irrigation works in the back acres. The marquis quickly got to his feet and agreed that those works were the very thing to view after a fine dinner.

  As they walked out of the back double French doors, Earl of Carlyle asked if Audrey would care to show him her riding arena. Instead of agreeing, Audrey shook her head and said, “I would rather go out to the rose gardens and speak to you seriously, Carlyle. I have something I need very much to say.”

  Surprised by her serious tone, the earl escorted Audrey to the colorful gardens and when she stopped and sat in a wide-benched arbor, he flipped out his tailcoat and joined her there.

  “Carlyle, you know I overheard you that day at Riverside. The remark about sacrificing yourself by offering me marriage just to honor your father’s word to my uncle.”

  “I didn’t know you were there,” the earl stammered, straightening his shirt cuff.

  “Of course you didn’t,” Audrey smiled kindly. “Sara says you spoke that way in a show of defiance to your father for selecting your bride, I want to ask you, was that the case, or were you actually feeling like you were sacrificing yourself?”

  “Good Lord but you are direct,” Carlyle grinned.

  “I need to be,” Audrey replied. “I won’t have a gentleman who feels forced, it was part of the reason that I could not accept Darlington.”

  “Was it indeed?” Carlyle asked. “So it wasn’t his self-indulged moods, his constant bickering with Bristol, or his silly references to incorrect facts?”

  Audrey laughed, “There was that. And his improper use of the whip, his too-tightly held reins so that his poor horse could barely move its head, very cruel.”

  “I admired you immediately when I witnessed your kindness to Darlington, especially when he did not deserve it,” the earl said shifting his leg and turning to see Audrey’s face more clearly.

  “No one needs kindness more than a fool,” Audrey smiled. “He was not a mean man he was spoiled I think, very used to getting his own way and so he never had to make much of an effort for anything. That made him lazy and gave him a sense of entitlement.”

  “My, you do see into the very heart of other people. Sara said you have quite a gift calming wild beasts, curing injured animals. Can you cure a gentleman who needs your skills?” Carlyle asked seriously.

  “Darlington? I doubt that he’d be open to any of my…”

  “I wasn’t speaking of Darlington,” the earl said reaching over and taking Audrey’s gloved hand in his. “I meant myself for I’m a gentleman who needs your gift of kindness, empathy, and forgiveness.”

  “You?” Audrey asked. “Because of your thoughtless remark about sacrificing…”

  “Please, gentle lady, stop using that word. You know in your heart that I have admired you from the first moment you stepped down from father’s coach. I never took my eyes off of you one minute at Riverside. Did you know when you went riding there I watched you from the window for hours?”

  “You did?” Audrey asked smiling widely.

  “I did,” Carlyle smiled back caressing her hand. “Father often caught me at it. “My ‘vigil at the morning room windows’ he called it. And at every meal, card game, and grouping all I ever wanted to look at was you.”

  Audrey flushed pink and tried to pull her hand away but he tightened his grip and continued.

  “Audrey, I want to look at you every minute of every day for the rest of my life. When I wake up and before I fall asleep, I want you beside me. I love you,” the earl said reaching into his waistcoat pocket and pulling out a large ruby ring set in shining gold.

  “Oh!” Audrey gasped. “I love you too, Carlyle. Goodness, you do really mean it. I can see by your expression, those mesmerizing green eyes, and the tone of your voice. How marvelous! You do love me.”

  Carlyle grinned and holding out the ring to her he said, “Audrey Winston, will you be my wife?”

  “Of course,” she gushed pulling her hand free, removing her glove, and letting him slide the ring on her shaking finger.

  “You have made me the happiest of men,” Carlyle said standing and pulling Audrey up with him. “There hasn’t been a day since I met you that I haven’t thought of you. We came here after receiving Sara’s letter but you must know I was planning on coming here anyway.”

  “I am so glad,” Audrey said. “I missed you so much. Every day without you was so empty and so long. We have so much to learn about each other. I am excited, Carlyle. I am very happy.”

  “Then, darling, that’s how I always want you to be.” As Carlyle bent to lightly kiss Audrey’s full lips, the couple heard rapid boot steps and the swish of a silk skirt behind them.

  Sara called out, “Congratulate us, we are engaged.”


  No one was more surprised by anything in his life as Viscount Winston when he returned from his nine-month sea voyage to find both of his nieces engaged. Greater still was the shock on learning that Audrey was engaged to Earl of Carlyle and Sara to Marquis of Sandshire.

  Delighted beyond words, the suntanned old viscount could not contain his happy grin on joining his two beloved nieces for dinner the evening after his return.

  As Audrey gushed on about the great attributes of the earl, his deep feelings for her so reciprocated, and their future plans, where they would reside, how she was to have a new stallion, and much more, Sara and the viscount could only smile and nod.

  When there was finally a lull in the conversation, Viscount Winston turned to Sara and asked, “And you, dear Sara, are you as thrilled to be marrying the great marquis though he is much older than you?”

  “I am, dear uncle. At first, I agreed because I admired him so much. Also, we shared an interest in so many things. But during our engagement I must confess, I have fallen so deeply in love with him. He is so good to me, and I know he loves me too. It is most satisfactory.”

  “Satisfactory?” Audrey giggled. “Sara, tell the truth, you are happy as a clam on the beach, you practically skip down the hallways causing all the servants to smile. You hum for hours until I am forced to go outside to get a little peace. Dear uncle, Sara is beyond thrilled to marry the marquis.”

  “Then I am happy for both of you and I must confess, I had a suspicion there might be something up, something secretive about Sandshire’s plan to assist you two in finding husbands,” Viscount Winston said proudly as if he’d cracked a great code.

  “Whatever do you mean?” Audrey asked breathlessly.

  “I’ve known Sandshire since Eton and he is never without a secondary plan, another plot with a motive. He wanted to see his son married. Sandshire knew that both young lords were too reckless to be tamed. I think he planned the entire house party to bring you two into his son’s orbit. Little did he know that he would fall in love with one of you himself!” Viscount Winston pushed back his chair and stood, pacing the floor as if riding the waves on a great sailing ship.

  “How marvelous,” Sara said pouring them all a glass of wine and passing them around. “Let us toast to Marquis of Sandshire’s matchmaking skills for he has made us all happy.”

  “To happiness,” Audrey said taking a sip of red wine. “And I believe you are right uncle. I have never thought of it before but how odd that he insisted that Carlyle be present for the house party and that no other guests were there.”

  “Yes,” Sara agreed, “it was perfectly arranged as only Sandshire could conceive it.”

  Viscount Winston smiled. “You find your future husband a superior gentleman?”

  “Of course,” Sara smiled.

  “With a superior son,” Audrey added.

  All three turned as the
sound of horses came from the front drive.

  “They are here,” Sara said rushing to the window with Audrey right behind her. “How happy the marquis will be to see you again, uncle.”

  Viscount Winston nodded and smiled. Joyful that he’d successfully drawn a book of valuable new maps and charting notes for his dear friend, he now was blessed with good news, a happy family, and bright futures for everyone.

  The entry filled with glad voices, loud laughter, and several quick embraces. The marquis and his son had found their mates, the ladies their perfect gentlemen, and Viscount Winston his one wish, that he would place his nieces in safe and loving hands. What could be a more perfect homecoming party than that?

  The Rogue Gentlemen Series

  Other books in this series, Book One

  NEW STANDALONE REGENCY SHORT NOVEL “Book One in the new Rogue Gentlemen Series of Regency romances, Earl of Radcliff by Angela J Conrad has you hooked by the end of the prologue. The author begins this series strongly as she did in her popular Cut & Run Series of Regency novels with an endearing female lead and a complex titled gentleman intermixing their relationship around financial ruin, social judgments, and a deadly secret threat. When a fire takes the life of Miss Hannah Wakefield’s mother, and her father sides into near ruin and drunkenness, with three younger sisters, Hannah must save her family. Forgoing her own happiness, she follows her father’s dark plans, meets the Earl of Radcliff, and tumbles into social ruin, a dark abandonment, and a run for her life. This new series adds a touch of mystery and suspense and as always, Angela Conrad’s books offer engaging characters, surprising new plotlines, and action enough to keep you reading. I loved this one with its happy ending. I can’t wait to read the next one.”

  “The Rogue Gentleman Series looks like another winner. I loved the eight Cut & Run books of Regency novels and this one, Earl of Radcliff has the same clever flavor with an added mystery. Angela Conrad’s characters are always first-rate, no cookie cutter personalities, but complicated people with dark pasts. I couldn’t stop reading it and finished it in one sitting. The research is solid, the plot believable, and the ending is glorious. This book will have you crying, laughing, and smiling and the romance is there too. Great!”

  See the author’s other successful Regency Series,

  The Cut & Run Series

  8 Stand Alone –

  Regency short novels -

  Links below –

  Book One

  Sadie & the Man in Black

  5.0 out of 5 stars I loved this book!

  Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2019

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  Once in a while, you stumble across a gem, and this book is a jewel.

  I had some time off recently. A friend and I were talking about books. You know, "Read any good books lately?" The answer was "Yes, anything by Angela Conrad. I just finished Sadie and the Man in Black, its a good one to start with"I got it, and was captivated by her wonderful storytelling and style from the start. I couldn't put it down, and spent the day reading it to completion. Strong characters, well crafted and descriptive, a surpring adventure. I can't wait to read more of Angela's works

  Don B from Texas

  5.0 out of 5 stars This book is a must read.

  Reviewed in the United States on November 20, 2019

  Format: Kindle Edition

  I found this book to be well written and very enjoyable. Couldn’t put it down. Would recommend it to all historical romance readers. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

  Book Two

  The Diamond

  Book Three

  The Ladies of Summerset

  Book Four

  The Light of Grace

  Book Five

  Arche & Lord Rhodes

  Book Six

  And Offer for Lady Frost

  Book Seven

  Never Satisfied

  Book Eight


  Other Books by Angela J. Conrad

  16-Historical Regency Romances:

  Livy (Rayburn Park Series)

  Rogues of Rayburn Park

  Young Bucks of Rayburn Park




  Sadie & the Man in Black (The Cut & Run Series) –Book One

  The Diamond –Book Two

  The Ladies of Summerset -Book Three

  The Light of Grace -Book Four

  Arche & Lord Rhodes -Book Five

  An Offer for Lady Frost -Book Six

  Never Satisfied –Book Seven

  Scandalized –Book Eight

  Earl of Radcliff (The Rogue Gentlemen Series) -Book One

  Earl of Carlyle -Book Two

  2-Contemporary Romances/Mysteries:

  The Demon Within

  Truly Loved

  3-Deuces Wild Series:

  Delanie, Breaking Free

  Denied, Abby Fights Back

  Maddie, Betrayed

  2-Four Kings Series:

  Savoring Revenge in Spades

  Savoring Desire in Diamonds

  8-Contemporary Adult Romances/Mysteries/Comedy:

  3-Ace’s High Series:

  Missing, A Dempsey Brother’s Story

  Deceit, Jackie & Jax

  Saved, Grace’s Story

  Body Double –Million Dollar Legs-

  Double Back-Regaining Sara-

  Gillian-Go Away

  I’m Coming for You

  Power Play

  4-Contemporary Romantic Comedies

  Written with Kathleen Hesser Skrzypczak:

  Vodka & Vice, the Series:

  Naomi & Bradley –It All Comes Down…

  Bradley & Naomi – …To Me & You!

  Naomi & Bradley-Reality Shows…

  Bradley & Naomi …What’s True

  2-Collection of Short Stories:

  A Taste Of Terror, 31 Ventures into Madness

  Ripping Time

  4-Boxed Sets:

  A Regency Trio

  Rayburn Park, the Full Series

  Ace’s High Series

  Deuces Wild Series

  3-Written with Kathleen Hesser Skrzypczak, & Martin Alcock: The Atmosfear Series

  Gully’s Dangerous Road

  Gully’s Northern Struggle

  Gully’s Journey Home

  BIO: Angela J Conrad

  I create characters who live colorful lives, people who often need redemption, and one more chance while facing pivotal moments in their lives. My books have been downloaded in thirteen countries totaling over 12 million pages in the last three years. I am a full-time fiction writer, with 37 books/boxed sets up on Amazon. I have published over 125 shorts, both non-fiction & fiction for magazines, and wrote 2 columns.

  Original photographs/paintings are added to most of my books as art and words combine to tell the perfect story. Thanks to all of my readers, I appreciate every one of you.

  Published in 2019, a 3-book adventure, written with 2 top writers, called the Atmosfear Series. A look at an afterworld filled with hidden dangers, a wild cast of characters, and a strong female hero.

  Also in 2019-2020, a new Regency Series was released. The Cut & Run Series, Book One, Sadie & the Man in Black. Book Two, The Diamond, and Book Three, The Ladies of Summerset, Book Four, The Light of Grace, Book Five, Arche & Lord Rhodes and Book Six, An Offer for Lady Frost, Book Seven, Neve
r Satisfied, Book Eight, Scandalized.

  In 2020, another new series, The Rogue Gentlemen Series, begins with Book One, Earl of Radcliff, and Book Two, Earl of Carlyle.